CSTE Certification Questions 4

CSTE Certficiation question dumps on Software testing continued.
60. Match the items in Tab A with Tab B.

Tab A                            Tab B
1. ISO 9000                  1. Guidelines for auditing the quality
2. ISO 9001                  2. Guide to implement quality systems
3. ISO 9004                  3. Describes quality models
4. ISO 10011                4. Introduction and guide to use other ISO 9000 standards
1-4,  2-3, 3-2, 4-1

61. The ISO 9001:2000 standards are based on       8        quality management principles.

As per ISO 9001 standards, verify the following statements.
     A . The top management shall demonstrate its commitment to meet customer requirements for
          Their products and services (True / False).
B. The organization should determine and provide the resources needed to establish and improve
     quality management system (True / False).
  1. The organization should ensure that all processes are operated under controlled conditions and produce outputs that are consistent with organization’s policy and objectives (True / False).
  2. The organization should define and implement measurement, analysis and improvement processes as a way of demonstrating that the product/service conforms to specified requirement. (True / False)

62. What are the two types of reviews defined in ISO/IEC 12207
Ans. Joint technical review, Joint management review

63. Management commitment is the single most important requirement for sucessful implementation of ---------------  (answer - Quality Management)

64. Having management commitment does not guarantee quality management success but improves odds for successful implementation. (True/False)

65. Top down implementation model(waterfall effect) is most successful model for implementing quality management. (True/false)

66. Committing to quality management means
a.Understand the concept of quality management.
b.Adopt behaviour to show quality management.
c.Accept the need to change the perpective leadership.
d.Provide funds for training.
e.All of the above

67. Which is the first step in establishing the trust among employees in implementation of quality
a)    Actively listening down
b)    Talking down
c)    A) or B)
d)    None of the above

68. Understanding comes after behavior change (True/False)

69. Toyota Production System is also called as
a.            Just In Time
b.            Join In Time
c.            Single Minute Exchange of Dies
d.            None of the above

70. Visiting other companies and understanding its quality process reduces the lead-time for identifying the quality process to be implemented in an organization.  True/False

71. Which of the following is the most difficult of the decision making processes?
a) Authority
b) Voting
c) Avoidance
d) Consensus

72. The objective of constructive criticism is
a. to criticize some one on their bad works
b. to improve his performance
c. duty of the project manager

73.  Whether it is a must for the listener to listen to all parts of speech?    YES

74. Which of the following is discriminating listening
a)    Directed at selecting specific pieces of information, not the entire communication.
b)    Complete message with minimal distortion
c)    To put youself in the speakers situation
d)    To analyse what the speaker has said.
e)    None of the above.

74. Which of the following is Therapeutic listening
a)    Complete message with minimal distortion
b)    Directed at selecting specific pieces of information, not the entire communication.
c)    To put youself in the speakers situation
d)    To analyse what the speaker has said.
e)    None of the above.

75. Which of the following help attending to the speaker
a)    Maintain eye contact
b)    Provide continuous feedback
c)    Periodically restate what was said
d)    Concentrate exclusively on the speakers communication
e)    All the above

76. Which one below is not an attribute of executive management
a)    Purposeful
b)    Competent
c)    Analytical
d)    Decisive
e)    Meaningful

77. Which attributes were included in establishing status when equated to IT environment.
a)    leadership
b)    technical skill
c)    years of experience
d)    all the above.

78. Quality promotes turning problems into opportunities (True / False)

79. Customer will give up if complaints are not resolved within
(a)  4 Days
(b)  4 Months
(c)  4 Seconds
(d)  4 Minutes

80. Following is part of complaint resolution process
(a)  Get on your customer’s wavelength
(b)  Follow up with the customer
(c)  Establish and initiate an action program
(d)  All the above

81. Writing a successful report requires a clear understanding of both _________________   and _____________
Ans: Report objective and desired action.

82. A good report  has no more than ___________ and _______________
Ans: Three objectives and three actions.

83. QA report is designed to
(a)  Convey information
(b)  Change behavior
(c)  Trace problem
(d)  None of the above

84. The scope of a IT Quality function includes
    a. Supporting implementation of quality policy
    b. Reducing producer and customer gap
    c. All of the above
    d. None of the above

85. When the quality processes are mature with defined, improving work processes the focus of the quality function is on
     a. Optimization
     b. Product quality
     c. Process deployment and compliance
     d. All of the above

86. Why are product inspections needed?
   a. To find out the best worker
   b. To find the worst worker
    c. To assist the worker in improving quality
   d. For objectively appraising workers
   e. All of the above

87. Which is the least important skill for a quality manager in the below list?
a. Verbal communication
b. Project management
c. Programming
d. Systems knowledge
e. Knowledge of operations
f. Written communication

88. Which is the best positioning of a quality manager?

a)     Reporting to manager of systems/programming
b)     Reporting outside the IT function
c)     Reporting to manager of computer operations
d)     Reporting to IT manager

89. The quality function is normally the weakest when reporting to  _ _ _ _ _ 
a)    Manager of systems/programming
b)    Outside of IT function
c)    Manager of computer operations

90.  Based on research from the Quality Assurance Institute the percent of quality groups reporting outside the IT function is 15%. YES /NO

90. The size of the quality function ideally will vary with the size of the organization             (True/False)

91. Obtaining and sustaining support for quality is an ongoing activity    -        TRUE/FALSE.

92. Which are the following tasks is not helpful in building support of quality
  1. Teach a quality vocabulary
  2. Issue a quality newsletter
  3. Staffing
  4. Meet daily on quality

93. In any organization QA Analyst position will be
  1. Part time staff position
  2. Full time staff position
  3. Not required at all
94. QA Analysts have to be trained quality functions        YES

95. Which are following disciplines is helpful in performing the quality function 
A.      Auditing
B.      Individual engineering
C.      SPC
D.      All the above.

96. Which of the below tool help people to determine whether a process is in control or not

a.    Run Chart
b.    Control Chart
c.    Pareto Chart
d.    U Chart

97. Which are following tools belong to Quality Tool Box

  1. Brainstorming
  2. Affinity Diagram
  3. X-mR chart
  4. Pareto Chart

98. What is the most commonly used / Powerful statistical tool?


99. What is a simple list of questions that enables people to follow and verify processes?


100. ___________ is a set of tools, which assists in defining, controlling and improving quality.

Quality Toolbox

101. List the tools commonly used by QA Analysts
·         Brainstorming
·         Flow charts
·         Cause-and-effect diagram
·         Histograms
·         Pareto Charts
·         Control charts
·         Scatter diagrams

102. List few plans, a quality manager can use for driving and continually maturing the quality environment
·         Stay abreast with new quality practices
·         Study the change in criteria for different quality models
·         Frequently review the quality benchmark
·         Obtain and Maintain quality related certifications

103. How the role of QA changes as the quality function matures in an organization?

Quality control to Quality Assurance to Quality consulting

104. Suggest another name for Independent Testing Department

Quality Control Department

105. Quality practitioners working in Quality control department are called _________.

Inspectors or Testers

106. What are the major activities in the ‘Initial’ phase of quality management maturation?
·         Perform Quality control activity
·         QA activities focuses on process definition- but not fully defines and follows the process

107. _____________ is the prerequisite to improved quality and productivity.


108. What are the major activities in the ‘Intermediate’ phase of quality management maturity?
·         Quality control becomes shared responsibility of the customer, worker and QA analyst
·         Process definition and improvement are emphasized and performed
·         Quality function and QA analyst acts as a quality consultant

109. How does MBNQA program define an organization which moves towards optimization?


110. What is the main identity of a World-class Organization?

Yield high customer satisfaction at minimum cost.

111. What are the major activities in the ‘Final’ phase of quality management maturity?

·         Workers are assigned responsibilities for process definition, measurement and improvement

·         Role of QA analysts changes to performing Quality consulting to management and employees in promoting and implementing quality initiatives

112. What are the two major drivers that change the role of the QA analyst

·         Management Philosophy used in the IT group
·         Personal belief system of managers

113. In the ‘Initial’ phase of quality function maturation, what type of management exists?


114. When quality management philosophy matures, the organization moves from hierarchical structure to _________.
Teams (that are organized and empowered to define, measure and improve processes.)

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